Forms 1099
Businesses (including Schedule C’s; farms, rentals, etc.) are required to prepare these annual informational returns for certain amounts paid during the conduct of their trade or business.
Recipient copies are required to be issued by January 31, 2024. In order to meet this deadline, we need you to submit all of your information, including a signed Engagement Letter no later than January 12th, 2024. Any information received after January 19th 2024 will have an additional charge added to your invoice if we are able to complete the project by the deadline.
Personal Property Returns
All businesses (Schedule C’s and farms included) and non-profits are required to file an annual Personal Property Tax Return with their county assessor’s office for all personal property owned as of January 1, 2024.
You may or may not receive the necessary form from the County Assessor for this purpose – but a fillable version of the 2024 form can be found online, typically by late November.
The filing deadline is March 15, 2024. Extensions are not available, and penalties will be assessed on late-filed returns. If DPW is filing your Personal Property Return, we need you to submit all your information, including a signed Engagement Letter, no later than February 2nd, 2024, in order to get it completed on time.
DPW is available for consulting around Personal Property Return filing requirements or other general questions at an hourly rate consultation fee.
Partnership and S Corporation Returns:
These returns have an initial due date of March 15th, 2024, there is no penalty in extending at this time. There is however a $150 filing fee that is due to the State of Oregon by March 15th for Partnerships and April 15th for S Corporations. You can pay this fee online HERE or contact your accountant for a voucher to mail in. There is a nominal fee after the extension dates if you choose to pay the fee with the filing of the return. Please let your accountant know when you have submitted the payment.
If you would like your return to be completed by the March 15th deadline, we need all your information, including a signed Engagement Letter no later than February 16th, 2024. All returns not completed by March 15th will be extended automatically.
The extension deadline is September 16th, 2024. We need all your information, including a signed Engagement Letter no later than August 1st, 2024. Any information received after August 15th, 2024, will have an additional charge added to your invoice if we are able to complete the project by the deadline.
C Corporate Returns:
These returns have an initial due date of April 15th, 2024, we can extend these returns at this time. However, this is an extension to file not an extension to pay any tax due. We can calculate an extension payment for you and create a voucher to send in your payment to avoid the penalties and interest.
If you would like your return to be completed by the April 15th deadline, we need all your information, including a signed Engagement Letter no later than March 15th, 2024. All returns not completed by April 15th will be extended automatically.
The extension deadline is October 15th, 2024. We need all your information, including a signed Engagement Letter no later than September 1st, 2024. Any information received after September 15th, 2024, will have an additional charge added to your invoice if we are able to complete the project by the deadline.
Individual Returns:
These returns have an initial due date of April 15th, 2024, we can extend these returns at this time. However, this is an extension to file not an extension to pay any tax due. We can calculate an extension payment for you and create a voucher to send in your payment to avoid the penalties and interest.
If you would like your return to be completed by the April 15th deadline, we need all your information, including a signed Engagement Letter no later than March 15th, 2024. All returns not completed by April 15th will be extended automatically.
The extension deadline is October 15th, 2024. We need all your information, including a signed Engagement Letter no later than September 1st, 2024. Any information received after September 15th, 2024, will have an additional charge added to your invoice if we are able to complete the project by the deadline.
We are happy to help. 503-362-9152